[Salon] How U.S. Conservatives (DeSantis :-) Use anti-BDS Boycott Laws, as Agents of Influence for Israeli Fascism

BLUF: "However, it was the work of Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry, particularly under the leadership of then-Likud lawmaker (and Israel’s current UN representative) Gilad Erdan, which has had the most significant role in advocating for, and funding, efforts to expand the number of states with anti-BDS laws.

Where would those employing "speech suppression” today ever have gotten the idea that violating rights of “free speech” and "freedom of the press” was legitimate under the U.S. Constitution? From the “Conservative Movement,” with its “McCarthyite/Goldwaterite" roots of course, both of whom articulated what chief McCarthyite, Willmoore Kendall, wrote against Free Speech, Free Press, and against the “1789 Constitution” itself. With his authoritarian spirit living on in the "New Right,” and Republicans in general, as part of their “Cultural Tradition,” as pronounced through Yoram Hazony and Peter Thiel today, echoing Kendall, and Carl Schmitt.

So one must not speak against the Israeli Apartheid regime, now so influenced by, and intersected with, the American "Conservative Movement,” and its principal progenitor of the ideology of the Trumpite “New Right,” Willmoore Kendall. With arguments for Israeli “Judicial Reform” taken almost verbatim right out of his body of ideological work, as I’ve shared here in the past. Especially his denunciations of First Amendment “rights” which he so despised. But it is current "New Right,” and “Traditional Conservative” (hereafter, “TC") favorite Ron DeSantis who actually signed into law a bill criminalizing the exercise of first Amendment rights, and boasts of it:

"In 2019, Governor DeSantis made history when he held the first-ever overseas meeting of the Florida Cabinet in Israel and signed into law HB 741, legislation that made Florida a leader in combatting antisemitism in public education, and led the way against BDS when he placed economic sanctions on Airbnb when it attempted to boycott Jewish homeowners in Judea and Samaria."

So cheer this you New Rightists and TC's, as I know you do: 

'Weaponising anti-Semitism': Florida Senate passes bill barring Israel criticism

"Opponents of the law, which focuses on criticism of Israel in schools, say the legislation violates free speech"

BLUF: A Florida bill that classifies certain criticisms of Israel as anti-Semitic has passed unanimously in the state Senate, despite drawing sweeping condemnation from Palestine and free speech advocates who say the legislation violates the United States Constitution.
. . . 
"But the definitions of anti-Semitism used in the bill criminalize certain criticisms of Israel, causing the legislation and others like it to come under fire from human rights groups and legal experts.”
. . . 

"Alan Levine, a civil rights and constitutional lawyer based in Florida, told MEE that the legislation is part of a "next generation" of bills seeking to silence those who would challenge Israel.

"This is the second wave of pro-Israel legislation. The first was directed at boycott efforts," Levine said, referring to legislation that has targeted BDS, a campaign that seeks to hold Israel accountable for its human rights abuses against Palestinians.

"And now it's weaponising anti-Semitism," Levine said.

"The Florida bill will now be sent to the desk of Republican Governor Ronald DeSantis, a staunch backer of Israel who is expected to promptly sign it into law.

"Florida is the most Israel-friendly state in the country and we will not stand for discrimination against the Israeli people of any kind," DeSantis said in January.

"BDS is nothing more than a cloak for anti-Semitism, and as long as I'm Governor, BDS will be DOA [dead on arrival]. I cannot wait to strengthen the already unwavering bond between Florida and the great state of Israel.”

So you one or two people of principle remaining here, like Chas who’s already paid a price for speaking objectively, must especially watch what you say when in Florida, and the U.S. in general should our next election return a “New Rightist” as POTUS. And don’t share anything which informs people of “Israeli Apartheid,” or any other actual “history,” (which excludes “Regnery” revisionist history), such as this Israeli HR report: 

But James Bamford explained in SpyFail there is an Israeli intelligence operation intended by Israel to counter such narratives with enlisting what used to be called “key communicators” in PsyOps; Americans to promote/advocate Israel’s cause, and as or more importantly, shut down any counter-narratives (“Agents of Influence” is what they’ve always been called). Beginning with the BDS Movement, as described here, and in the attached file (for educational purposes; go buy his book: SpyFail): 

Pp. 206-207

"However, it wasn't the anti-Palestinian, racism and blatant sexism in his own-society that concerned' Erdan, it was secretly attacking and subverting American society that had become his mandate.

"According to Erdan's deputy, director-general Sima Vaknin-Gil, a reserve brigadier general, Israel was waging, its covert war so that the "narrative in the w0rld won't be that Israel equals apartheid.” The ministry needed to quickly -silence the growing boycott movement and its messengers, by any means necessary, before what happened in apartheid South Africa happened to Israel. In Washington, addressing a private meeting of Adelson and Mil­stein's Israeli-American Council, General Vaknin-Gil issued a stark warning. "In order to win:' she said, "we must use tricks and craftiness." They would include threats, intimidation, harassment, covert influence operations, troll farms, fearmongering, blacklists, and espionage. The key was turning thousands of Americans into clandestine Israeli agents to spy on and carry out the operations against their fellow citizens. Secrecy, emphasized Vaknin­-Gil, was therefore critical. "We are a different government working on a for­eign soil, and we have to be very, very cautious,” she said. What she didn't know was that there was a spy in her midst, recording her on a hidden video camera. 

"Among those present for the private talk was Antoine "Tony" Kleinfeld, a fast-rising star within what Vaknin-Gil termed the "Blue Network." The color of lsrael's flag, as well as that of Adelson’s Air Force, the network was a spider­web of scores of well-funded organizations in the United States and around the world that work with and carry out actions on behalf of Israel. And as Gilad Erdan noted, it was a network that wanted to keep their relationship with his intelligence organization very covert. ‘'One of the principles for suc­cess is keeping our methods of action secret:,” he said. "Since most of the min­istry's actions are not of the ministry, but through bodies around the world who do not want to expose their connection with the state, we must protect the information whose exposure could harm the battle.” (TP-that would be the “Battle for Consciousness,” as described in the second attached file.  
. . .  
"In reality, Kleinfeld was a British filmmaker engaged in an undercover investigation for Al Jazeera television focusing on Washington's role in the network. And as Vaknin-Gil spoke, Kleinfeld's hidden camera was rolling."

Attachment: 22. The Blue Network.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document


Attachment: 4-Low-Intensity Warfare.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

From the Haaretz article below: 

"One group that was particularly influential in expanding the reach of anti-BDS legislation was the corporate-backed American Legislative Exchange Council. As the documentary shows, its modus operandi was to draft “model anti-boycott bills,” on which legislators would simply fill in their state’s name and then introduce it at their legislature. It first introduced model bills in 2015, and the format was used heavily starting the following year.”

That is the primarily “libertarian Koch” funded ALEC which led the charge to silence critics of Israel (and propagate lies in MN about “election fraud”)  giving the lie (as if any more evidence is necessary) to the fiction that Koch funding “supports” the Constitution, or that more than a handful of libertarians do, not after they went all agog for Trump, and Republicans in general, who always “lead” the charge for suppression of speech and for war. 

Here is the product of their funding of anti-BDS legislation: 

"Judge Andrew Hanen wrote, “The speech contemplated may make some individuals — especially those who identify with Israel — uncomfortable, anxious, or even angry. Nevertheless, speech — even speech that upsets other segments of the population — is protected by the First Amendment unless it escalates into violence and misconduct.”

Not anymore and especially not in Florida, under the DeSantis regime. And not in the ideology of Willmoore Kendall (explaining my complete antipathy to his “political theory”). Which even that last, lone, “Conservative” whom I’d held out hope that he might condemn that authoritarianism inherent to the Conservative Movement, given the respect he’d indicated he had for Peter Viereck, who did condemn the predecessors of today’s “New Right” and “Traditional Conservatives,” as “counterrevolutionary doctrinaires,” put out a recent book on Conservatism where he attributes to “wokeist culture” (my description) as what is wrong today, while condemning “Neoconservatism” and “Straussianism” for our foreign policy,  and is silent, and fails to recognize that the “Origin” of those two “isms” when examined as political theory come out of   . . . Kendall and Burnham, and the other “founders” of the Conservative Movement. Passed down to us as the New Right of the Trumpites/Desantisites, as they boast. 

Attachment: The Philosophical New Conservatism (1962).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

But as we know from a frequent Traditional Conservative commentator here; Viereck was a . . . wait for it  . . . a “liberal! So my last hope that a self-proclaimed “Conservative” (not the TC commentator referred to above, but a self-proclaimed TC also) in a recent book on Conservatism would finally condemn the kind of “Conservatism” of Kendall/Burnham which expelled Viereck from the “Ideological Conservative Movement” ranks, were dashed.  Not unexpectedly. With Viereck having been “expelled” due to his recognition that the Conservative "thought controllers" (McCarthyites) of National Review were not “conservatives,” dedicated to “conserving” that which is good in the US tradition, while being unafraid to confront injustice in that “tradition, were in fact, “counterrevolutionary doctrinaires.” 

With these “doctrinaire’s” ideas resembling,  if not plagiarized from, fascist ideas on military aggression, militarism, and prohibiting speech, etc., which Viereck opposed. So not at all surprising that a TC author on Conservatism, given the support for Trump the aforesaid author had expressed, would not condemn the “Founding Fathers” of what was euphemistically called “Conservatism,” applied as a distraction from what their ideas actually were.

And though Florida is not an exception, as Koch funded anti-BDS legislative efforts have been extremely successful, it is the national "key communicators” like DeSantis and Trump, each as an “Agent of Influence” for Israel, in violation of U.S. law, who have done so much to “condition” the “climate of opinion” in the U.S., our “consciousness,” to docilely accept suppression of speech in the U.S. on behalf of the Israeli Apartheid regime. A “crime” which Trump was wrongly not indicted for, to go with the crimes which he was indicted for. And if Trump’s campaign should falter, DeSantis may well be our next POTUS. 

And like Trump’s support for it in 2016, DeSantis’s connection to Guantanamo torture will be a factor making him more popular with Conservatives, regardless of prefix attached to that. To include Trump’s and DeSantis’s fellow “ZioCons, dba “NatCons” and the "New Right!"

How U.S. Conservatives Use BDS Boycott Laws to Target Other Progressive Causes

The film ‘Boycott’ reveals how anti-BDS laws are increasingly being used as a template to rein in opponents of the gun industry and other conservative issues. ‘It’s a recognition that they’re losing the debate and can't prevent people from seeing reality’ says director Julia Bacha

<Bahia Amawi speaking to journalists at a press conference outside of a Texas courthouse as seen in Just Vision’s documentary “Boycott.”, Credit: Jonah Candelario>

Bahia Amawi speaking to journalists at a press conference outside of a Texas courthouse as seen in Just Vision’s documentary “Boycott.”Credit: Jonah Candelario

A Jewish dermatologist from North Carolina was invited to speak to a group of medical students at the University of Arkansas earlier this year. After delivering his address, Dr. Steven Feldman went to the state-funded university’s website in order to collect his $500 honorarium – only to find that in order to submit the online form and collect his payment, he needed to check a box stating that he pledged not to boycott the State of Israel.

This peculiar condition stemmed from an Arkansas law stipulating that public entities are not allowed to contract with or invest in companies and individuals that boycott Israel.

This law is not unique to Arkansas or even, surprisingly, to Republican-leaning states. As of 2023, 35 U.S. states – from Florida to California – have bills on their books that either bar them from investing in companies that boycott Israel or require state contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel.

As online Jewish publication The Forward reported, Feldman was perplexed by the university’s demand. Being a staunch supporter of Palestinian rights and particularly the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel (BDS), he could not agree in good conscience to such a requirement.

Moreover, regardless of his political views, why should his payment be conditioned upon what he decides to do with his own money? He is currently considering suing the state of Arkansas for infringing on his right to free speech.

Anti-BDS laws affect nearly 300 million Americans. Despite this, most of them are “largely unaware” of the existence of such laws, according to Julia Bacha, the director of “Boycott” – a documentary that sets out to explore the topic of anti-boycott laws in the United States.

The film, which premiered at Doc NYC in 2021, and was also screened at SXSW festival the following year, is now available on Amazon, Apple TV and other streaming services. It puts the audience in the shoes of three Americans who have been personally affected by anti-BDS laws. The trio – an Arkansas newspaper publisher, a speech pathologist from Texas and a lawyer who represents inmates in Arizona – have decided to sue their states after being denied payments for refusing to pledge not to boycott Israel.

“All manner of people have been forced to sign these anti-boycott certification forms,” Brian Hauss, an ACLU lawyer who represents two of the three plaintiffs, says in the film. “Many of them are reluctant to throw themselves into a major public controversy.” However, he adds, “we got a few brave individuals to come forth and say: ‘This is the right thing to do and I’m gonna do it.’”

<"Boycott" director Julia Bacha talking with Sen. Bart Hester in Arkansas., Credit: Courtesy of Just Vision>
"Boycott" director Julia Bacha talking with Sen. Bart Hester in Arkansas.Credit: Courtesy of Just Vision

“Boycott” traces the origins of anti-BDS laws, and explores how they’ve become a template for anti-boycott laws that target a wide range of social causes. These include reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights and workplace equity.

While these developments understandably worry U.S. progressive activists, Bacha sees the proliferation of anti-boycott bills as a sign of weakness on the part of conservative special interest groups having to contend with a shifting public discourse.

“To me, this really symbolizes an attempt at stopping the conversation from continuing to evolve,” says Bacha.

According to her, the resort to legislative action signals an admission that they have given up trying to convince the public that they’re correct. “It’s a recognition that they’re losing the debate and can no longer prevent people from seeing the reality on the ground. And therefore, they’re going to try to coerce people by threatening their jobs and their livelihoods,” she says. “To me, this really symbolizes an attempt at stopping the conversation from continuing to evolve.”

Over the past 17 years, Brazil-born Bacha has directed numerous documentaries on the subject of Israel-Palestine, with a particular focus on under-documented stories concerning nonviolent Palestinian resistance. She is also the creative director at Just Vision, a nonprofit that seeks to “fill a media gap on Israel-Palestine.”

Unholy alliance

“Boycott” details how the astounding proliferation of state anti-BDS laws rests on a highly effective collaboration between evangelical Christian and pro-Israel interest groups, corporate-funded lobbying organizations and the Israeli government.

Since 2015 (and maybe even earlier), Israeli governments have been involved in pushing for anti-BDS laws in the United States. That year, Israel’s then-consul general to the Midwest, Roey Gilad, attended the official signing of Illinois’ anti-boycott law – the first U.S. state to force public pension funds to, somewhat ironically, divest from companies that boycott or divest from Israel.

However, it was the work of Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry, particularly under the leadership of then-Likud lawmaker (and Israel’s current UN representative) Gilad Erdan, which has had the most significant role in advocating for, and funding, efforts to expand the number of states with anti-BDS laws.

<Alan Leveritt (second from right), publisher of the Arkansas Times, sitting in a staff meeting as seen in the documentary “Boycott.”, Credit: Image courtesy of Just Vision>
Alan Leveritt (second from right), publisher of the Arkansas Times, sitting in a staff meeting as seen in the documentary “Boycott.”Credit: Image courtesy of Just Vision

Following Erdan’s appointment in 2015, the ministry was known for keeping its methodology secret, going as far as pushing for a bill exempting it from Israel’s freedom of information act. However, starting in 2017, a series of media reports, most notably by Israeli media watchdog The Seventh Eye, revealed some of its tactics.

Apart from paying to place anti-BDS articles in major Israeli newspapers, the ministry was reportedly sending large sums of money to U.S. lobbying groups that promote anti-BDS legislation: groups such the Israel Allies Foundation and Christians United for Israel. The latter’s leader, Pastor John Hagee, is featured prominently in the documentary, fervently sermonizing about a time in which “Jerusalem is no longer trodden down by the gentiles.”

The ministry soon encountered a problem. Foreign Agent Registration Acts laws, which require recipients of donations from foreign governments to declare themselves as foreign agents, led many U.S. organizations to refuse to accept money directly from the Israeli ministry.

Bacha: “If you, as a state lawmaker, are presented with a bill that you are told is pro-Israel, in the current atmosphere of American politics – and I’ve heard this directly from a state legislator – to vote against such a bill is political suicide.”

The way the ministry reportedly circumvented this obstacle was by creating a so-called public-benefit company, tasked with covertly funding organizations that would agree to propagate Israeli propaganda to the U.S. public, without needing to register as foreign agents.

In one particularly striking scene, the ministry’s former director, Ronen Manelis, discussed this strategy during an open Knesset hearing in 2020: “The understanding was that it would be easier for [American groups] to come to terms with a public-benefit company than with an action that the Israeli government is behind. In the end, you see a bank transfer from a nonprofit organization and not a bank transfer from the Israeli government. That’s the idea.”

Originally named Kela Shlomo (“Solomon’s Sling”), before quickly changing its name to Concert, the new company – set up in 2017 – used government as well as private donor money in order to fund Israel advocacy groups in America. Some of these groups in turn lobbied U.S. legislators to introduce anti-boycott legislation in their state, where in many cases they passed with ease.

The reason for this, according to Bacha, is Israel’s unusual longevity as a hot-button issue in U.S. politics: “Even though the conversation [concerning Israel] has moved a lot over the past 20 years or so at the civil society level, on campuses across America, or in the nonprofit environment … at the political level it really hasn’t,” she says.

“If you, as a state lawmaker, are presented with a bill that you are told is pro-Israel, in the current atmosphere of American politics – and I’ve heard this directly from a state legislator – to vote against such a bill is political suicide. So, you just vote for it,” she adds.

<Director Julia Bacha and cinematographer Amber Fares interviewing ACLU lawyers outside a courtroom in Austin, Texas., Credit: Courtesy of Just Vision>
Director Julia Bacha and cinematographer Amber Fares interviewing ACLU lawyers outside a courtroom in Austin, Texas.Credit: Courtesy of Just Vision

Why stop there?

One group that was particularly influential in expanding the reach of anti-BDS legislation was the corporate-backed American Legislative Exchange Council. As the documentary shows, its modus operandi was to draft “model anti-boycott bills,” on which legislators would simply fill in their state’s name and then introduce it at their legislature. It first introduced model bills in 2015, and the format was used heavily starting the following year.

Predictably, the success of these “model bills” in pushing through anti-BDS legislation at the state level seems to have led conservative and corporate lobbyists representing the interests of other industries to jump on the bandwagon.

In 2021, an energy policy staffer at a conservative think tank by the name of Jason Isaac pitched a bill to the Texas House of Representatives that seeks to ban any boycott of the fossil fuel industry. The bill, as Isaac noted in a memo sent to American Legislative Exchange Council members, was “based on anti-BDS legislation supported by ALEC regarding Israel.”

Texas passed a law in 2021 prohibiting companies with state contracts from boycotting the gun industry. Similar bills have since been introduced in the legislatures of at least 13 other states.

After garnering the support of Texas State Rep. Phil King – the lead sponsor of Texas’ anti-BDS bill, as well as former chairman and current member of ALEC’s national board of directors – the bill was passed into law. Not long after, Isaac successfully pitched the bill to members of ALEC’s Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force, leading to over a dozen U.S. states introducing nearly identical bills that punish the boycott of the fossil fuel industry.

Texas passed a law in 2021 prohibiting companies with state contracts from boycotting the gun industry. Similar bills have since been introduced in the legislatures of at least 13 other states, as well as one federal bill.

Furthermore, at least 10 U.S. states have introduced nearly identical bills seeking to protect companies that fail to provide abortion care, gender-affirming care or fail to meet workplace equity criteria from being boycotted.

The ease with which anti-BDS bills could be altered in order to create new bills that target, for example, the Black Lives Matter movement or environmental activists is illustrated in the film by Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace: “It turns out, you would only need to change about 10 words,” she says. “Why people are not more worried about this is just baffling.”

“Boycott” is available to watch on Prime Video, Google Play, Apple TV+ and Vimeo.

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